Our Work

This might work. This might not work.

We live by that mantra, a refrain brilliantly offered by Seth Godin to artists, innovators, and entrepreneurs everywhere. It releases us from the pressure of “This had better work!” — in which innovation and change have a hard time transforming into reality.

No, innovation and change can only thrive when their stewards are free to fail. Sadly, too much of our society and its systems are not rewarded for “Failure is an option.” (Look at the grading system in most schools.) But as many wise people have said, failure is only feedback. And as Thomas Edison reportedly said, “I never failed; I found a thousand ways not to invent the light bulb.”

And it is in the spirit of Edison’s laboratory and labs everywhere that we named our company. Our work is coming up with ideas, approaches, and creations that hold the promise of social change, and then fostering the ones with the most potential to fly. It’s not an exact science, that’s for sure. But we love it.

So, feel free to explore what we’re tinkering with right now. And if you can help these efforts in any way, we’d love to hear from you.

Social Motion Publishing — The first and only book developer and publisher in the United States that focuses on cause-related publishing

College Debt 180 — A solution for people in the United States who are being crushed by their student loans and have demonstrated an outstanding contribution to society